Sunday, November 20, 2022

Late autumn song (@LiliaHagane)


In this night,

A frosty wind knocked

On my window.

Whirlwind swirled

Yellow-brown leaves

In the tune of a waltz.

Covering alleys,

They sang softly

The song of Autumn...

Poet: Lily Hagane (@LiliaHagane)

Translated by Dzen Hagane.

Dry winds (@LiliaHagane)


A foggy veil hid

The horizon yesterday.

But what is now?

Fierce whirlwinds bend the bare branches

Of trees. Clear and cold...

Poet: Lily Hagane (@LiliaHagane)

Translated by Dzen Hagane.

Autumn in my garden (@LiliaHagane)

 Linden's golden leaves
Are shining rays of the sun.
White chrysanthemum
Is blooming in the garden.
Late autumn dream...

Poet: Lily Hagane (@LiliaHagane)
Translated by Dzen Hagane.

Whisper from the darkness


The last candle of hope burns out;

When there is no fire, darkness will reign!..

Behind the Gates is only a demons route;

Unsheathed sword, the hour of battle again!..


Thousand shadows are dancing

In the elder forest now!

Their whisper is enhanced;

The howl wolves and cry of a crow!

The roar of the primordial wind

Walks over the snow-clad peaks;

Everything around is not blind,

Everything living here speaks!..



...Don’t fear all your nightmares!


...Keep the soul on your life path!..


...Overcome the abyss of despair!..

...No one escapes your righteous wrath!!!

In this game you are a miserable flare,

In the mists of time you will not find peace!..

So take care of your precious glare

And the endless fight will not surcease!


...Don’t fear all your nightmares!


...Keep the soul on your life path!..


...Overcome the abyss of despair!..

...No one escapes your righteous wrath!!!
